In Succession of John L Cazenave, Jr., 2022-CA-0852 (La.App. 1 Cir. 3/1/23), the First Circuit affirmed the trial court’s finding on bench trial that a decedent lacked testamentary capacity to enter into a new will that excluded his two daughters and donated all property to his surviving spouse. Facts Johnny Cazenave passed away in 2020...Read More
In Conroy v. Suzico, 2022-CA-0974 (La.App. 1 Cir. 2/24/23), the First Circuit examined a sale and purchase agreement involving commercial property located in Baton Rouge. Christopher Conroy, the buyer, alleged that the seller, Suzico LLC, agreed in writing to sell the subject property for $1.44 million, but the seller wouldn’t complete the sale. Conroy filed...Read More
In Paul Spradley v. Denise O. Perez and Berchman Perez, 2022-CA-0716 (La.App. 1 Cir. 2/16/23), the plaintiff purchased a home in Covington, Louisiana for $285,000. Prior to the sale, an inspector noted an issue with the foundation. The plaintiff obtained a quote for approximately $25,000 to make the necessary repairs. The plaintiff requested that the...Read More
In William Flynn, et al. v. Anytime Fitness, LLC, et. al., 2022-CA-0742, the Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeal held that the Anytime Fitness franchisor was not liable to the plaintiff for severe injuries sustained while using an inversion table at the gym. The plaintiff sustained severe injuries to his neck after the inversion collapsed....Read More
In Brent Arceneaux v. Geico Choice Insurance Company, et. al., 2022-CW-1045, the Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeal reversed the trial court’s order that granted a protective order preventing the disclosure of the defendant’s blood alcohol level. The court further reversed the trial court’s sanction against the plaintiff and his attorney for requesting the defendant’s...Read More
In Charlene Blalock v. Shelter Mutual Insurance Company and Frank M. Flanagan, 2022-CW-0826 (La.App. 1 Cir. 12/29/2022), the Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeal held the plaintiff solely responsible for her injuries after tripping on a power cord. The appellate court overturned the trial court’s decision to deny the defendants’ motion for summary judgment and...Read More
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