What to Do After a Car Accident in Baton Rouge: A Comprehensive Guide

Automobile collisions are among the most traumatic and unpredictable accidents. In the event of a car accident, people are often unsure whether to move their vehicle, to exit the car, and how to protect yourself and others from further injury. The attorneys at MRD have compiled this detailed guide on what to do following a car accident. Whether you are an experienced driver or a novice, these guidelines can help you remain calm and make the proper decisions to protect you and your family.

Examine Occupants for Severe Injuries
After an automobile accident, the first step should be to check the vehicle’s occupants for severe injuries. If you or any of your passengers are actively bleeding, stop the active bleeding first. Only after you’ve stopped an active bleeding situation should you dial 911.

Place Your Vehicle in a Safe Location
Yes. You should always move your vehicle out of traffic and to a safe location after an accident. If your vehicle can still be driven, move it to a safe area, such as the shoulder of the road or a neighboring parking lot. If the vehicle is unsafe to drive, activate your warning lights. Do not wait inside the vehicle for emergency help to arrive. Exit the vehicle and try to find a safe place out of the roadway and behind the vehicle.

Notify the Police or 911
Even if the accident appears to be minor, you should contact the police to make a police report. The police will generate a report that documents his or her investigation findings. Accident reports are critical in avoiding disputes between drivers regarding what happened in the accident, especially days or weeks after an accident. Reports often assist the insurance companies in resolving the case during the insurance claims process.

Share Details with the Other Driver
Exchange your name, contact information, insurance company, and policy number with the other driver. In addition to personal information, be sure to record the other vehicle’s brand and model, as well as its license plate number.

Document the Scene with Photographs
Take photographs of property damage to both vehicles. Be sure to also photograph any other pertinent roadway elements, such as skid marks and road signs. If you need to file an insurance claim, this documentation will be essential. This information may also be beneficial if a dispute arises and an accident reconstruction expert is required to render an opinion regarding how the accident occurred.

Notify Your Insurance Carrier of the Accident
You should always contact your insurance carrier to report a vehicle accident. There is a contract of insurance between you and your insurance company that requires you to assist in their investigation. However, it is always advisable to contact an attorney before speaking with the at-fault driver’s insurance company, especially if you have sustained personal injuries in the accident. Your attorney will want to be present during any recorded statements to ensure that the insurance company does not attempt to obtain information outside of what the insurance company should collect.

Seek Medical Attention
If you struck your head in the accident, or you’re experiencing a severe pain or headaches, seek immediate medical condition. Often trauma to the head or internal organs will not exhibit outward life-threatening injuries, such as bleeding. Internal bleeding to the head can cause swelling on the brain, brain damage, and permanent injuries. If you continue to experience pain especially in your neck or back, you should absolutely seek medical treatment from a highly qualified healthcare provider.

Seek Legal Counsel with MRD
It is always advisable to hire an attorney experienced with handling car accidents after a car collision. Many times, physicians will uncover severe and permanent injuries to the neck or back, despite the patient believing he or she experienced on a mild injury.

If you’ve been injured due to the actions of another driver in Louisiana, hire the experienced attorneys at MRD. We will help guide you through the detailed process of resolving a bodily injury insurance claim. We will also give you sound advice regarding the value of your injury. Remember, the insurance company owes no obligation to compensate you fairly for your bodily injury.

Following these measures after a car accident can help you remain calm and make good judgments. Always put your safety and the safety of others first. If you require extra information or direction, please contact our office and schedule an appointment at 225-303-0455.

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